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Details according to § 5 TMG (Anbie­ter­kenn­zeich­nung gem.§5 Telemediengesetz)

Dominik Paunetto

Philipp-Reis Strasse 42
69115 Heidel­berg | Germany
Fon:     +49 176 201 21 234
Email:  info[at]dominikpaunetto.com
Web:    www.dominikpaunetto.com
VAT-ID  gem. § 27a Umsatz­steu­er­ge­setz DE 256478072


Liabi­lity for links

This web page contains links on extern web pages. We have no bearing on the contents of direct or indi­rect linked web pages. The operator of this web page is respon­sible for the accu­racy of state­ment, conse­quently we assume no guarantee. We checked the foreign web pages concer­ning statu­tory viola­tion. At the time of linking there were no statu­tory viola­tions. It is not possible to check constantly all the contents of the linked web pages clueless. In case of getting abroad of statu­tory viola­tion we will remove the asso­ciated links immediately.

Copy­right law

The contents and writings authored by opera­tors are governed by German law. The dupli­ca­tion, edition, propa­ga­tion and any sort of explo­ita­tion beyond the copy­right require a written agree­ment of the author respec­tively of the creator. If you would like to use a photo for private or commer­cial use, please contact me. Viola­tors subject them­selves to the possi­bi­lity of prose­cu­tion to the full extent of the law with penal­ties for copy­right infrin­ge­ment, puni­tive damages and respon­si­bi­lity for all legal fees. All rights reserved. Copy­right © Dominik Paunetto, 2018[/no_image_with_text][vc_separator type=“transparent“ up=“15″ down=“0″][vc_separator type=“transparent“ up=“30″ down=“0″][/no_elements_holder_item][/no_elements_holder][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_type=“row“ use_row_as_full_screen_section=“no“ type=“full_width“ text_align=“left“ video=““ css_animation=““ box_shadow_on_row=“no“][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]